My visit to Pondicherry and the Sri Aurobindo
Ashram reconnected me with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. There is
definitely a strong shakti present in the town, the Mothers force
that is almost palpable. It came over me like a wave and took me out
of my ordinary consciousness, sometimes for hours on end. It
literally flattened me, putting me in a state in which I didnt
want to move. Sri Aurobindos force was also there, particularly
at his samadhi shrine, in which I could feel and experience his life
and teachings. But the Mothers shakti permeated the entire city
and never left one.
Pondicherry provided the opportunity to visit with
M.P. Pandit, who I had not seen since he stopped coming to the West
a few years earlier. I had kept in touch with him by correspondence
and he had reviewed my various books that had come out in the
One day I was attending one of Pandits weekly
meditations that followed his weekly talks. Suddenly I started to
breathe deeply and felt my consciousness open up to a higher plane.
The vision of the Mother of the ashram unfolded a the White
Goddess Tara, a figure of great beauty, light and compassion.
Tibetan monks were doing chants to her and seeking to project her
energy in order to help save the human race from the ignorance and
illusion in which it was mired. They were meditating upon suffering
humanity and using the Mothers force to uplift people.