How I Became A Hindu - My Discovery Of Vedic Dharma
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Books By David Frawley

The Ramanashram: Encounter with Lord Skanda

Ramana Maharshi is probably the most famous enlightened sage of modern India, the very personification of the Atman, a pure unbounded Self-realization, even though he did nothing to gain recognition for himself. He has great appeal to a rational and modern mind willing to transcend name, form and culture. Yet what I discovered at his ashram and in the psychic environment of the town and hill was something different and unexpected.

I came to the Ramanashram to contact Ramana and his path of Self-inquiry, which is a method to experience the non-dual state of pure awareness. What I actually discovered was the God Skanda, the child of fire, who demanded purification, death and spiritual rebirth. I encountered one of the Gods, not as a devotional or cultural image but as a primordial and awesome power. Ramana came to me through Lord Skanda, the son of Shiva, with whom Ganapati Muni identified him. I came to understand Ramana as Lord Skanda, the embodiment of the flame of knowledge.

Coming into Tiruvannamalai I felt the presence of a tremendous spiritual fire, which also had, in its more benefic moments, the face of a young boy. The image of a small boy carrying a spear, rising out of a fire, kept arising in my mind. This brought about an intense practice of Self-inquiry that was literally like death, though it was the ego’s death, not that of the body.

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About India And Hinduism, The Spiritual Tradition
India And Hinduism.Pg1
Sri Aurobindo....Pg1
Sri Aurobindo....Pg2
The  Ramanashram ...Pg1
The Ramanashram
The Ramanashram
The Goddess.Pg1
The Goddess.Pg2
Sadhu on the Hill 
Ganapati Muni...Pg1
Ganapati Muni...Pg2
Ganapati Muni...Pg3
Bhakti Yoga.....Pg1
Bhakti Yoga.....Pg2
Brahmarshi Daivarata 
The Himalayas...Pg1
The Himalayas...Pg2
Shankaracharya Pg1
Shankaracharya Pg2
Alandi-Swami Ram Das