also came into contact with another Shankaracharya Math in
Kanchipuram, a couple hours southwest of Chennai. Kanchipuram was
one of the seven sacred cities of classical India and has many great
Chandrashekhar Saraswati, the Shankaracharya at
that time, was nearly a hundred years old and the grand old teacher
of Hinduism. Fortunately I received his darshan twice before his
death. He blessed the rudraraksha mala that is the main one that I
use today. His work provides an excellent introduction to Hinduism,
particularly in a Vedantic context.
A few years later through the intercession of the
next Shankaracharya in the line, Jayendra Saraswati, I was able to
visit the Kanchi Kamakshi temple and have a darshan of the Devi
there, for which westerners were usually not allowed. Such teachers
continue to uphold Hindu dharma and maintain millennial traditions
for the benefit of future generations.