Myth Of Aryan Invasion Of India |
By David Frawley |
In the original Puranic story there
were two groups of people, the Devas and Asuras, or godly and
ungodly people, who had various conflicts. Both had Brahmin gurus,
the Angirasas for the Suras (Devas) and the BhRigus for the
Asuras. Both these Brahmin groups we might add were responsible for
many teachings in ancient India, including the Upanishads. The
battles between the Devas and Asuras involved a struggle between
their gurus.
King Yayati, the father of the five Vedic peoples and a follower of the
Angirasas, had two wives, Devayani, the daughter of Shukra of
the BhRigu seers, and Sharmishta, the daughter of Vrisha Parvan, king
of the Asuras. Turvasha and Yadu were sons of Yayati by Devayani of
the BhRigus. Anu, Druhyu and Puru were sons of Yayati by Sharmishta
of the Asuras.(*26)
26. Vishnu Purana
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