Myth Of Aryan Invasion Of India |
By David Frawley |
Many of the conflicts in the Puranas are between the seers Vasishta
and Vishvamitra,(*34) both of which are honored throughout the literature of
India as great seers. This conflict goes back to the time of Sudas where both vied to become his
purohit or chief priest.
Vedic texts like the Brahmanas style the Dasyus as the
fallen descendants of the Vedic king Vishvamitra, his older
sons,(*35) making them the older descendants of Vedic
kings and seers. This reminds one of the story of Yayati
wherein it was Puru, the youngest son, who inherited his
kingdom, and his older sons Yadu and Turvasha who
became inimical.
Mleccha, another term which later referred to people
speaking a different language or for foreigners, was first
used in the Sutra literature, Brahmanas and Mahabharata
for people of western India from Gujarat to Punjab (realms
of Anu, Druhyu and Yadu predominance) which had
temporarily become a region of impure practices.(*36)
34. Mahabharata
Adi Parva 67
35. Aitareya Brahmana
36. For example, Baudhayana Dharmasutra I.1.2, 14-15
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