In this story we see that both
groups of people thought by the Aryan invasion theory to be the invading Aryans and the indigenous
peoples had the same religion and ancestry.
These five peoples were styled either Arya or Dasyu, which mean
something like good or bad, holy or unholy according to their behavior.
Their designation can shift quickly. The descendants of an Aryan king
can be called Dasyu or its equivalent (Rakshasa, Dasa, Asura,
etc.), if their behavior changes.
For example, in the most important
battle in the Rig Veda, the famous battle of the Ten Kings
(Dasarajna), victorious Sudas, regarded as a Puru king, and located on the Sarasvati river, includes among his
enemies called Dasyu groups of the five Vedic peoples like the
Anus, Druhyus, Turvashas, and even Purus.(*27) .
27. Rig Veda VII.18, 6,
12, 13, 14