Myth Of Aryan Invasion Of India |
By David Frawley |
This is similar to the Deva-Asura
battle as it places the people of the Sarasvati in the north versus those
in the southwest, but again as a battle between kindred peoples. In
the Rig Veda Indra first makes Turvasha and Yadu great and then
humbles them before the Purus.
Rama, the seventh avatar, defeats Ravana who is said to
have been a Brahmin descendant of the rishi as well as a Rakshasa (demon).
Rama's brother Shatrughna defeats Ravana's friend Lavana in Mathura(*33), the region of the
Yadus, who is also said to be a Rakshasa. This connection between Lavana and Ravana
suggests that Ravana himself was a Yadu, a Gujarati migrant to Sri Lanka, not a
Dravidian. The first wave of Aryans to come to Sri Lanka were from Gujarat and hence
Yadus. In this regard Ravana abducts Sita on the Godavari river, which was also in the
region of the Yadus. Meanwhile Rama's other brother Bharata conquers
Gandhara, the land of the Druhyus.
33. Ramayana Uttara
Kanda 70
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