From The River Of Heaven
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Books By David Frawley
Just as people of the eastern world can become adept at science and technology and can add many new insights and discoveries to it, so can many of us in the western world gain spiritual knowledge and become capable of adapting or developing it further. As we are now open to all the knowledge of the world, it no longer matters so much where we are born. We are less tied to our local culture and better able to perceive things for their own worth. 

We do not reject a peach because it is originally a fruit from China. So too, knowledge has an intrinsic value apart from its cultural context and this we should be open to that we might fully benefit from our complete human heritage. Such divisions as East and West are simplistic ideas. They exaggerate geographical or cultural differences. We label the greater part of the world to be the East. Everything east of Europe is seen as the East, even though such cultures as India and China are quite distinct.

They are as different from each other as our culture is from theirs. In many respects the culture of India stands in the center between the eastern influences of China and the western influences of Europe. For example, Hinduism contains the same religious teachings of devotion to God, as does the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic tradition to the west, as well as the formless meditative approaches of Buddhism and Taoism which prevail to the east. As such it affords a good point of integration for East and West.


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About Hindu And Vedic Knowledge In Modern Age
Hindu And Vedic..Pg1
Hindu And Vedic..Pg2
Veda And Yoga
The Relevance Of Vedic.. 
East And West-Pg.1
East And West-Pg.2
East And West-Pg.3
Vedic Knowledge..Pg.1
Vedic Knowledge..Pg.2
Towards A Global...Pg.1
Towards A Global ...Pg.2
Towards A Global...Pg.3
Towards A Global... Pg.4