From The River Of Heaven |
Books By David Frawley |
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While Europe
adapted the religious systems of the Middle East it retained its own more richer mythology
than these more legalistic religions. That mythology has much in common with the Vedic. It
was not only the Greeks who based their culture on the worship of the Sun of inspiration
Apollo, the Vedas worship him similarly as Savitar. Our ancient European ancestors like
the older Hindu culture with which they were related, had their own religious beliefs.
These were originally quite exalted and aligned with profound occult and yogic teachings,
though they may have degenerated in time. We find remnants of these in the myths and
legends of pre-Christian Europe.
Hence Vedic culture represents an older side of our own western culture. Both ancient
Greece and India were highly scientific and intellectual cultures. While Greece turned the
mind outward to pursue external realities, India directed its attention within. Yet we
find in both the same profound sense of reason, logic, order, harmony, experimentation and
experience. We also find a minority in Greece who followed a spiritual view like in India,
such as the pre-Socratics Heraclitus and Parmenides, even much in Plato himself. Similarly
we find a minority in India, the Charavakas, who developed a materialistic and scientific
view of the world much like the Greeks and rejected all religion as illusion and
deception. Ancient India also had republics for a time, like that of ancient Greece.
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