Major Sections
Integral Humanism


At the opposite end there is USA. There is both bread as well as voting right. Even so there is lack of peace and happiness. USA has highest list in number of suicides, number of mental patients and number of persons using tranquilizers to get sleep. People are puzzled as to the cause of this new situation. Man obtained bread, he got his voting right, still three is no peace, no happiness. Now they want back their peaceful sleep. Sound and undisturbed sleep is a scarce commodity in the present day America. Those who think realize that there is a basic mistake some where, whereby even after acquiring all good things of life, they are not happy.

The reason is that they have not thought of the integrated human being. In our country we have thoroughly considered this matter. That is why we have stated that progress of man means progress of the body, mind, intellect and soul of man, all together. Often it has been propagated that Bharatiya culture thinks only salvation of the soul. It does not bother about the rest. This is wrong. We do not think of the soul but it is not true that we do not consider body, mind and intellect of much importance. Other gave importance of body alone. Therefore our attention to the soul is unique. With time this created and impression that we are concerned only with the soul and not with other aspects of human being. A young unmarried boy cares for his mother, but after marriage he cares both for his wife as well as his mother, and discharges his responsibilities towards both of them. Now if anyone says that this man has no loves for his mother, it would be untrue. A wife also loves only her husband at first, but after the birth of child, she loves both her husband and child. Sometimes an unthoughtful husband feels that his wife neglects him, after the birth of their child. But this is generally not correct. If that is true then the wife has certainly slipped in her duty.

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About Chapter 2
Integral Humanism
Modern Versus Ancient
The Past Cannot Be Disowned
Foreign Ideologies Are Not Universal
Our Country : Our Problems
Human Knowledge Is Common Property
The Conflicting Ideas
Bharatiya Culture Is Integrated
Mutual Conflict : Sign Of Cultural Regression
Mutual Co-operation
These Principles Constitute Dharma
Happiness Of An  Individual
The Political Aspirations Of Man Pg1
The Political Aspirations Of Man - Pg2
The Political Aspirations Of Man - Pg3
The Political Aspirations Of Man - Pg4
The Political Aspirations Of Man - Pg5