too can be attained only through Dharma. Having produced the
material things such as nice food. when, where, how and in what
measure it will be used can be determined only by Dharma. If a sick
person eats food meant for a healthy one and vice-versa, both of
them will be at a disadvantage. Dharma helps in restraining the
natural tendencies of man, whereby he is able to determine what is
beneficial to him apart from what is pleasurable. Hence Dharma is
given the foremost place in our culture.
Dharma is of primary importance, but
we should not forget that it is not possible to practice Dharma in
the absence of Artha. There is a saying "What sin will not be
committed by one who is starving? Those who have lost everything
become ruthless." Even a rishi like Vishwamitra driven by
hunger broke into the home of a hunter and ate the flesh of a dog.
Therefore we are enjoined to see that there is enough wealth created
continuously, since wealth. also strengthen Dharma. Similarly the
government has maintain law and order and prevent chaos, which
definitely destroys Dharma. At the time of Chaos, law of the jungle
prevails where the strong feed upon the weak. Therefore stability in
the state is also essential for the prevalence of Dharma.
In order to do this, education,
character building, spread of idealism, and suitable economic
structures are all necessary. Governments also fall inside the realm
of Artha. Excessive power of state is also harmful of Dharma. It was
said that a king should be neither too harsh nor too soft with his
people. Heavy reliance on harsh measures produces a feeling of
revolt in people. When state usurps the rightful position of Dharma,
then there is this evil of preponderance of power of the state.
Dharma suffers thereby. This is the reason of the decline of Dharma
in ruthless states.