Mutual Conflict -
Sign of Cultural Regression
Unity in diversity and the expression
of unity in various forms has remained the central thought of
Bharatiya culture. If this truth is wholeheartedly accepted then
there will not exist any cause for conflict among various powers.
Conflict is not a sign of culture of nature: rather it is a symptom
of their degradation. The law of the jungle, "Survival of the
Fittest" which the West discovered in recent years was known to
our philosophers.
We have recognized desire, anger etc.
among the six lower tendencies of human nature, but we did not use
them as the foundation or the basis of civilized life or culture.
There are thieves and robbers in the society. It is essential to
save ourselves and the society from these elements. We cannot
consider them as our ideals or standards for human behavior.
Survival of the fittest is the law of the jungle. The civilizations
have developed not on the basis of this law but by consideration of
how the operation of this law will be the least in human life. If we
wish to progress, we have to keep this history of civilization
before our minds.