want of time, I have not touched the natural aspects of economic
structure. But one thing is clear that many old institutions will
yield place to new ones. This will adversely affect those who have
vested interests in the old institutions. Some others who are by
nature averse to change will also suffer by efforts of
reconstruction. But disease must be treated with medicine. Strength
can be gained only from exercise and hard work. Therefore, we still
have to discard the status-quo mentality and usher in a new era.
Indeed our efforts at reconstruction need not be clouded by
prejudice or disregard for all that is inherited from our past. On
the other hand, there is no need to cling to past institutions and
traditions which have outlived their utility. We have considered
what the direction of change should be.
We have in the last four days thought
over the integrated from of Humanism. On the basis we shall be able
to reconcile nationalism, democracy, socialism and world peace with
the traditional values of Bharatiya Culture and think of all these
ideals in an integrated form. The mutual conflict among these ideals
can be removed and they can supplement mutually. Thereby the
"Man can gain his lost status and attain the aims of his
We have here discussed the
philosophy. But the members of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh are not mere
philosophers or academicians. We have set out with the determination
to make this nation strong, happy and prosperous through the medium
of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh. Therefore, we must carry on practical
programs for the nationalist reconstruction on this foundation. We
have taken due note of our ancient culture. But we are no
archeologists. We have to intention of becoming the custodians of a
vast archeological museum. Our goal is not merely to protect the
culture but to revitalize it so as to make it dynamic and in tune
with the times. We must ensure that our nation stands firm on this
foundation and our society is enabled to live a healthy, progressive
and purposeful life. We shall have to end a number of traditions and
set in reforms which are helpful in the development of values and of
national unity in our society. We shall remove those traditions
which obstruct this process. Whereas one need not mourn the
limitations of the human body, one must undergo the required social
operation if any part of the body has cancerous growth. There is no
need to to amputee healthy limbs. If today, the society is gripped
with evils like untouchability which lead men to treat other human
beings as lower than themselves and thereby threaten the national
unity, we shall have to end s such evils.