Education - A
Social Responsibility
To educate a child is in the interest
of the Society itself. By birth a child is an animal. He becomes a
responsible member of the society only by education and culture. To
charge fees for something which is in the interest of the society
itself a rather odd. If due to the inability to pay the fees,
children are left without education, will the society endure the
situation for long? We do not charge fee from trees for sowing the
seed and caring for the supplying. On the contrary we invest our
money and efforts. We know that when the tree grows, we shall reap
Education is a similar investment. An
educated individual will indeed serve the society. On the other hand
it will not be surprising if people grow indifferent to the society
which leave them to fend for themselves. Before 1947, in all the
princely states In India, no fees were charged for education. The
highest education was free. In the Gurukulas, even food and lodging
were arranged with out any charge. The student used to go to the
society for "Bhiksha". No householder would refuse the
Bhiksha to the student. In other words, society used to bear the
burden of education.
Similarly, it is rather surprising
that medical treatment must be paid for. In fact, medical treatment
also should be free as it was in this country in the past.
Now-a-days one has to pay even to gain entrance to a temple. In
Tirupathi, to enter the Balaji temple, there is a charge of 0.25
paise. However, at noon for one hour, there is Dharma Darshan, which
means, during that time, no ticket is needed, as if at other times
there is Adharma Darshan. The society should guarantee to all
members minimum requirements for maintenance and progress of every
individual. Now the question arises that if everyone is to be
guaranteed the minimum necessities, where will the resources for all
this come from?