Major Sections
Integral Humanism


Any economic system must provide for the minimum basic necessities of human life to everyone. Food, clothing and shelter constitute, broadly speaking these basic necessities. Similarly, the society must enable the individual to carry out his obligations to the society by properly educating him. Lastly, in the event of an individual falling a prey to any disease. society must arrange for his treatment and maintenance. If a government provides these minimum requirements, then only it is a rule of Dharma. Otherwise, it is a rule of Adharma. Describing the King Dilip, Kalidas has said in Raghuvansha "Being responsible for the maintenance. protection and education of his subjects, he was their true farther. Others were merely instrumental in giving them their birth". The description of king Bharat after whom our country has been named Bharat, also runs similarly, i.e. "by maintaining and protecting his subjects he was called Bharat." This is his country, Bharat, if in this country maintenance and protection are not guaranteed, then the name Bharat is meaningless.

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About Chapter 4
Integral Humanism Pg1
Integral Humanism Pg2
Integral Humanism Pg3
Integral Humanism Pg4
Integral Humanism Pg5
Integral Humanism Pg6
Education - A Social Responsibility
Guarantee Of Work
Capital Formation Pg1
Capital Formation Pg2
Capital Formation Pg3
Man's Place In Economy
Socialist System Is A Reaction
State's Claims On Individual
Our Economic System Pg1
Our Economic System Pg2
Our Economic System Pg3