The Sthalapurana
has also some legendary reference about the temple for some centuries after its first
construction. One legend is as follows. The
Rajakumar of Anandapuri chased a golden-faced deer and came to Sudhagundam near,
Srikurmam. He went to Srikurmanatha - swami temple and there saw the divine Apsaras
Tilottama who was dancing before the Lord. The king fell in love with her, but Tilottama,
who had consecrated herself to the services of the Lord alone, grew angry with him and
cursed him. The king had not up to then seen the Lord and when Tilottama cured him the
king remained there doing Tapascharya, for three hundred years. Finally be was cured by
his penance to the Lord, and the king also remained there permanently in the service of
the Lord. |