Temples & Legends Of Andhra
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Temples & Legends Of
India |
Any numbers of
inscriptions in the temple, which throw a flood of light upon the political and social
history of this tract, are available. 'The legends of the temple speak of the life of Sri
Naraharitirtha, a famous disciple of Madhawacharya, who revived the religious fervor of
the people, in Kalinga. Sri Naraharitirtha was a disciple of Anandatirtha who in turn was
a disciple of Purushottama Mahatirtha. In his Purvasrama, Naraharitirtha was known as
Syama Sastry, and he was born in one of the ministerial families of Kalinga. There is a
Stotra, Narahariyati Stotra, which is included in the Sanskrit work called Stotra
Mahodadhi, in which the life of Naraharitirtha, which is closely associated with the
temple of Srikurmam, is given. According to this, he received initiation from one Purna
Prajna, who ordered him to go to the court of the Gajapathi king and be a ruler there. |
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