Temples & Legends Of Andhra Pradesh
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Temples & Legends Of India


Naraharitirtha who had learnt the true import of the Bhashyas and the Upanishads from his teacher, wanted to become a sanyasin and therefore remonstrated with his master that nothing useful was to be gained by his trying to acquire a kingdom. His master thereupon replied that in the Gajapathi kingdom, the images of 'Rama and Sita were available and that Narahari must acquire them, so that the worship to these idols may be restored. Narahari accordingly went to the Kalinga country and was received there with great enthusiasm by the people as a fit ruler for them. He ruled Kalinga for twelve years as a regent to the minor prince. When the prince attained majority Narahari returned the kingdom to him and took as Gurudakshina the idols of Rama and Sita which were his real treasure, and gave them to his master Anandatirtha. The latter worshipped the images for eighty days and made them over to his disciple Padmanabhatirtha, who in turn worshipped them for six years and gave them once again back to Naraharitirtha.

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