Temples & Legends Of Andhra
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Temples & Legends Of
India |
Tae precise
chronological sequence of the chieftains called the Chalukyas of Vemulavada cannot be
formulated at the present stage of our knowledge. The present theory is based upon the
Vemulavada temple inscription and the material available in Pampas Vikramarjuna- vijayam.
According to this, the dynasty starts with Vinayaditya 1, who was followed by Arikesari I
and by Narasimha Varma Rajaditya. The relationship between tile kings is also not clearly
known. Hence we can only arrive at a general conclusion that this temple must have been
built by Narasimha Varma Rajaditya I, who was the third king in the above line, as the
Rajeswara temple is obviously so named, either because it was built by Rajaditya (a Biruda
of Narasimha 1) or named after him. |
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