There is a
Sthalapurana for the temple, which is known as Vemulavada Rajeswara Mahatyam. According to
this, the Puranic background of this God has to be traced from the Bhavishyottara Purana.
The legend connected with the temple is as follows: - Once there was a great king by name Narendra, who was the grandson of Arjuna,
the great Pandava hero. One day, he went out hunting into the forest, and by mistake shot
dead a Rishi, while the latter went to a pond to fetch water. The king repented much for
the unwitting crime that he had committed. But the Brahmahatya Dosha still stuck to him
and, to get rid of it, lie wandered over many holy places, but in vain. At last, he came
to Vemulavada and drank accidentally three handfuls of water from the tank Dharmagundam.
He was at once relieved of the great sin of Brahmahatya Dosha. |