In Kirtana Ghosha,
he writes:
Tumi Paramatma jagatara Isa ek
Eko bastu nahike tomata byatirek
"Thou art the Supreme self the only Lord of the Universe, There is no other
thing except Thee" and
Krisnara carana cintiveka hridayata
Asanta iswara Hari samasta bhutata
"Think of Krishna's feet in thine heart, Knowest thou that God is in the hearts of
all."On the metaphysical plane, Sankaradeva.
Holds a non-dualistic standpoint, unlike many of his Vaishnava counter-parts in the rest
of India. This explains the absence of dual-images in his religion such as Radha-Krishna
of Chaitanya, Gopi-Krishna of Vallabhacharya, Rukmini-Krishna of
Namadeva and Sita-Ram of Ramananda.