Elsewhere he says:
Nahi janma tomar tathapi janma Dhara
Sehi janme jivar janama dur kara.
"Thou hast no birth, yet Thou dost adopt them; and thereby, Thou removeth the birth
of creature."
Sankaradeva as the highest, best and the most ideal divinity regarded Krishna. His
appearance in the form of Vishnu - Narayana in the celestial Vaikuntha with His liberated
devotees and attendants is the
supreme manifestation.This picture of God with his
liberated devotees leads to his concept of Moksha. It is the goal, which every pious soul
pines for. Since bondage is due to the attachment of worldly objects, liberation is
possible through realization of God. This is produced in various ways, viz., experience of
the sorrows of worldly existence, renunciation of all desires of enjoyment of pleasures,
whether in this world or in some heavenly world, self-control and self - discipline,
association of good teacher,
respectful attachment to God, love for one's equals, complete resignation to God, etc. |