maintained that Bhakti Marga is the one and the only way to realize God. In this Bhakta
sees the Lord in everything in the world and finds Him revealing Him self in the form of
Love. It is easier to picture God as Love than to conceive of the Absolute as Truth. Above all, it is suited to all irrespective of caste,creedorcolor.It may be
remembered here that a real Bhakta will not seek salvation and his constant wish is to
remain in a state of perpetual enjoyment of Bhakti.
That is why he prays to God thus:
Thou physician of the soul,Thou hast not seen the easiest remedy.Thou hast done a thousand
works, still Thou hast not attained to the Lord and comest to the world again and once
again. Thou spendest Thy years in meditation and penance, in pilgrimage,in dwelling in
Gaya and Kasi. |