This has been made
clear by 'Krishna in the Bhakti-pradipa:
Eka citte tumi moka matra kara Seva,
Parihara Duarte yateka ana deva.
Huyoka saranapanna eka mote matra,
Moke bhaja huiba teve mukutira patra,
Nama nusuniba tumi ana devatara,
Yena mate nuhibe Bhakti vyabhicara.
"Devote yourself to m e with a single mind,
Forsake from a distance all other gods.
Surrender yourself to me alone, Devote to me, then will you be fit for salvation. Never
listen to names of other gods, That your devotion may remain unsullied." Sankaradeva admitted the conception of Krishna, the Parabrahman, based on the
dasama of the Bhagavata:
Satyavritam satyaparam trisatyasya yonim nihitancha Satya
Satyasya satyamrita satyanetram satyatmakam tvam saranam prapanna Sankaradeva believed in
incarnations (avataras) of Godhead because his unmanifested and unqualified God may be
brought to show mani - festations by virtue of devotion. |