The decline had
become almost complete when in the 13th century A.D., a number of ancient Rajput clans
came to this district and carved out some Principalities. The most important of this
family was that of Kashipur (Panchet or Panchkot Raj).
With the rise of these Rajput chieftains, there came apparently other phases of religion,
inter-clash and fusion of religious ideals, and after sometime we see the advent these
smaller creeds became almost assimilated in the broad-based Hindu religion.There is no wonder that in that wave Jainism in Purulia district was
almost taken into Hindu fold and the images of Jain Tirthankars came to be freely
worshipped as deities of Hindu pantheon. Later came the Vaishnava school, which
made a great headway in Purulia district. The Panchkot Raj, the premier Rajput Chief in
the district was slowly converted from Shaktaism to Vaishnavism, near about the middle of
the 19th century.
The earlier great tour of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in this
area was followed up by the activities of Mahaprabhu Shiva Ram Goswami and Trilochan
Goswami and their influence on Panchkot-Raj was great. Some of the Jains with their
creed of Ahimsa appeared to have been very much affected by the tour of Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu and had become Vaishnavas
5 Jainism in Bihar by P.C. Roy Chaudhury (Patna,
1955). |