they have,
however, all got broken leaving the facades of the temples complete, so that not only is
it rather evident that they were not even bounded into the walls of the original temples;
the junctions, where any exist, are quite plain; all these temples face north.North of
this is another, but irregular, line of temples, five in number; of these, two are of
stone and three of brick, the latter all ruined; of the stone ones, one is standing. North of this is another line of four temples, three of stone and
one of brick, all in ruins. Near about the temples there are some mounds, which may be the
remains of either big temples or may be the remains of stupas. Jain tradition is also
clearly visible in the remains of a few big tanks and in their vicinity a few more mounds.
It is a pity that the temples and the scattered antiquities have been allowed to decay. A
phased and scientific excavation is almost sure to reveal many more Jain antiquities even
Some enthusiastic and religiously minded Jains of Purulia and Ranchi have recently built a
temple at Pakbira and have been able to preserve some of the Jain images. Inspire of
vandalism due to utter negligence for decades, there are still some well-preserved images.