water which into a tank is used for drinking and other purposes by the pilgrims. In front
of the temple also, towards east, there is another big tank for t pilgrims to take
purificatory bath before getting into the temple. Around the ancient temple there are
ruins of an old fortified town. For going the temple, one has to crossthrough the gateways
of the ruined town the famous Naicken King, Tirumalai Naicken, had a palace here generally
known as Azhagapuri, his favourite place of residence.
On entering the temple, one can see the life-size
sculptures carved in the stone mandaparn built by Tirumalai Naicken. These are similar to
those found in
Madurai temple. The deity is known as
Kallazhagar as he is the household deity of the Kallas, a low caste people. As, the
history of the temple is obscure, details
of the temple given in Varahapuranam,
Brahmandapuranam, Vamanapuranam and
Agnipuranam were gathered and the Sthalapuranam compiled. |