explanation offered for this pheno- menon of men and women, especially the latter, being
seized with these roving spirits, is that they are able to strike terror, first by means
of their fearful forms on the minds of the -victims especially on dark nights and this
leads to a small hole almost infinitesimal in the spinal column, through which these
ghosts effect entry.
There is effusion of the substance which ,
according to Spiritualism, is known as ectoplasm And then they are able to find their way
into the portion of the pituitary gland of the pineal gland stated in the brain; and human
Thoughts, feelings and sensations operate in that region and it looks as if through their
direct action on these nerve centres, the spirit.,, are able to control the functions of
speech,sometimes even in a different language, and other functions of the body,
i.e.walking, strange looks, shouting and so forth. |