suffering from severe disease throw salt and sugar into the square tank within the temple
hoping their ailments may disappear as rapidly as the offerings are dissolved In case of
bodily pains, a dab of rice flour on a leaf is placed on part of the body affected, a hole
is scooped out of this paste and in it is poured. Then the ghee is set alight and
when it is burnt out, cure is complete.
Such is the mystic miracle of cure brought on
faithful. In olden days, in the Gopuram there used to be a clock, locally made, to
strike the astronomical timings of the day wherein 24 minutes makes a Nazhigai and 60
Nazhigais make a day. The clock is out of order long, since. Ugra Pandian, the Lord of
Korkkai, the Vanquisher of the Tiger flag of the Cholas and the Bow flag of the Cheras,
made improvements in the temple structure. |