is a well-known fact that, by Mantrasakti and invocation of some powerful superior
intelligence known as Devas and Devis, these devils could be exorcised forcibly driven
out, never to return. The invocation of Hanuman has a very powerful effect in driving
these devils forcibly away.
That will depend upon the capacity the man who
performs the poojas and utters these mantras. He must have attained a degree of perfection
or siddhi in these mantras on account of which active destructive vibrations are set up,
which terrorise the devils, by disintegrating causing sensations of pain to the coarse
bodies of these discarnate spirits, and m them flee for safety.
As an instance, the Lalita Sahasranamam or Trisati or Saptasati or Durga Mantras are very
powerful mantras, whose utterance mill cause a burning sensation for the coarse bodies of
these devils in some classes of Hindu society, these are not uncommon phenomena, namely,
the exorcising of spirits by such methods. |