with this end in view, the chroniclers strove to weave with pearls
of words and gems of phrases a rainbow fabric to adorn Asoka, who
looks here more divine than human. He appears resplendent and shines
brighter than the sun - the heavenly light.
following accounts representing his unearthly glory and
awe-inspiring personality are recorded in the Indian legends and
Ceylonese chronicles, like Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa etc., They are the
products of the good - natured humanists and zealous reformers,
composed for a purpose noble, and object adorable. Hence, let us
stand and salute, before we join them to contributing our mite for
liberating the less fortunate and ill-fated fellowmen, and make our
lives sublime by redeeming our debt to the land of our birth by
a few of the precept.