Priyadarsin |
Of India |
was Asoka to become the head of a great administrative machinery,
shaped, organized and perfected by Chanakya, the celebrated Premier
of his emperor-Warrior grand-father, Chandragupta, the founder of
Maurya dynasty in 322 B.C. Luckily, he inherited a well-founded and
firmly established kingdom that spared him from the onerous task of
organizing the machinery, or innovating ways and means to patch up
the loop- holes. Asoka happily enjoyed the fruits of the labors of
his illustrious predecessors. So, nothing was left to his genius in
this regard. The existing division of Kingdom into provinces and the
hierarchy of officials with well defined duties and powers governing
them, were allowed to continue, with changes here and there
introduced, consequent on the annexation of Kalinga and his
conversion to Buddhism.
the concept of Kingship underwent a drastic change as an aftermath
of Kalinga War. Ever since his conversion, the sphere of his
operation began growing wider and wider until at last, it
encompassed the whole of the human race and the world at large. His
duties and responsibilities were multiplied, a million times.
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Asoka As An Administrator |