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Temples Of India




About Author K.K.Moorthy.


Thou art 'O' MOTHER Sarada!....




Foreword by N.S. Ramaswami                  Assistant Editor,
Indian Express, Madras.


Opinion by Yogi Suddhananda Bharat
Adyar, Madras.




Emperors are rare. Emperor - warriors are rarer still......


Asoka is a many splendoured diamond.


Asoka As A Youth

Asoka As A Monarch

Asoka, the illustrious son of our sacred Bharat, hailed from the imperial Maurya dynasty that ruled Magadha, for about a century and a half.


Asoka ascended the throne in 273 B.C. His empire comprised the whole of India....



Asoka As A Warrior 

Asoka As A Preacher 

The appointed day dawned! Army arrayed!! Weapons raised!!! Target pinpointed!!!!


Asoka  left Kalinga, but Kalinga never left him. It haunted him day in and day out.


Asoka As A Builder 

Asoka As An Administror

Asoka's title to fame rests on his diffusion of Buddhism.


Blessed was Asoka to become the head of a great administrative machinery, shaped, organized and perfected by Chanakya....


Asoka As A Father 

Asoka As A Brother

This imperial monarch of unparalleled spiritual eminence had an affectionate wife in Asandhimitra.


Asoka's devotion to Buddhism and his zeal for its propagation is proverbial.


Asoka As A Teetotaller 

Asoka As A Patron

The impact of Kalinga War can be traced in almost every department of human life.


Asoka's services to the Buddhist church are countless and his passion for diffusion of the Lord's message is monumental.


Asoka As A Pilgrim 


Many are the ways prescribed by the scriptures to expiate sins; for, sinless state alone ensures admission into heaven and makes it fit to enjoy eternal bliss.


We have now witnessed a glimpse of the multi-faceted splendor of Asoka.


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