Priyadarsin |
Of India |
Hence, his gospel covers all fields
of human activity and embraces all human beings, irrespective of their
caste, colour, creed, race, religion, sex, age, or nationality. Further, it
encircles one and all, either as an individual, or a member of a family,
or a subject of state, or an employee of any avocation. "It is only by winning men's hearts that he
sought to make converts. Men of religion have seldom, very seldom, been as tolerant as Asoka. In order
to convert people to their own faith, they have seldom scrupled to use
force and terrorism and fraud. The whole of history is full of religious
persecution and religious wars, and in the name of religion and of God
perhaps more blood has been shed than in any other name. It is good therefore to
remember how a great son of India, intensely religious, and the head of a
powerful empire behaved in order to convert people to his ways of thought. It is strange that any one
should be so foolish as to think that religion and faith can be thrust
down a person's throat at the point of sword or a baynet". This applauds
Jawaharlal the world celebrity in his "Glimpses of World History". Many
other endorsed him in hundreds of master-pieces before and after him. So, effective propagation of its
tenets became all the more urgent and important.
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