Asoka was convinced. He at once
bowed low in token of his submission. He felt elevated and light. The rumblings of his
mind were subdued then miraculously. That celestial symphony filled his
whole-being, and as a result of which, all the weight of anguish sitting tight on his heart, since the
Kalinga War, vanished. Soon and silent. His 'soka' was dissolved and
'ananda' overflowed mysteriously. He was soka in Kalinga, and Asoka in Pataliputra once again. Thanks to
the divine healing touch of Upagupta that made him appear like a Messiah entering into the
promised land.
Asoka was changed and emerged
as an enlightened God-man ready to save life, than to take one. He was indeed Asoka,
literally i.e., man minus sorrow. Forthwith, he pronounced his faith in Buddhism.
To celebrate this momentous transformation, he declared to the whole world, that he would not seek
any conquest, any further, by war, or violence - he eschewed military
glory. He determined to create, finest kind of righteous empire not over 'palm and pine', but over the
minds and hearts of people across the seas and up above the skies.