Asoka Priyadarsin
Major Sections
Temples Of India


As a proof for this, I am tempted to quote the fair assessment of H.G. Wells, a celebrated intellect of the modern times as a specimen for such similar ones. Wells fulsomely acknowledged and copiously extolled in glowing terms thus; "Amidst the tens of thousands of names of monarchs that crowd the columns of history, their majesties and graciousness's and serenities and royal highnesses and the like, the name of ASOKA shines and shines almost alone as a star" from Volga to Japan, his name is still honoured! Verily, Asoka has few peers and no superiors in any Tense for that matter.

Indeed such a monarch of universal approbation deserves a reverent study by the young and old alike. His life is a model for all. And for all ages too. I have, therefore, ventured to present in my humble way to the reading community, a life-sketch of this immortal ASOKA for proper appreciation and effective emulation. Sure, emulation of at least one or two traits of his noble character ensures a harmonious development of their character.

With this modest object in view, I started writing this monograph, which, I honestly believe, would entertain and enlighten at the same time. To make it a fascinating reading, I dared taking a flight on the viewless wings of fancy for sometime. That exhilarating experience rewarded me with material enough for nearly two chapters. They are captioned - 'Asoka as a Warrior' and 'Asoka as a Preacher'. They are characterised by such deep poignancy of remorse, rich strain of sore melancholy and solemn imagery that they almost wring tears culminating in the illumination of the readers for spiritual elevation and moral upgradation.

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