Asoka Priyadarsin
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Can I forget the virtual never-dried up spring - Saradanugrah from which this sweet nectarine water sprouted? Certainly not. It is with that Mother Sarada's benevolent looks alone, I reached the goal - successful completion of writing the first one in English in a matter of only one month, devoting just two hours every evening in those days. My soulful prostrations though not discharge my debt outright, it gratifies me most and by doing continually it relieves me to some extent. I opine. And So I am offering them mentally, the very moment I see my beloved Asoka either by intent or by accident. Well look he is ascending the dias to reveal his multidimensional personality and relate his awe- inspiring story. So I bid you bye for the time being with a few words about the source material. Mine is a product more of fancy that history -historicity is deliberately subordinated to creativity, and so it reads like a historical romance. It is a fact-fiction blend. For the legendary part I leaned heavily on the episodes appended to Vincent A Smith's History of India, narrated briefly in appendices. And I drew sustenance from Radhakumud Mukharji's Asoka for quotations referred to in two or three places. And to H.G Wells too. I thank them all at this moment. For taxing your patience. I, say Bye Bye again.

Yours ever in service
(Sd.) K.K. Moorthy.

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