Asoka Priyadarsin
Major Sections
Temples Of India


This continuation started exactly after 22 years of its blissful respite. The origin of the repose is as queer as that of Rip Van Winkle's fantastic slumber And demands a short narration. Please read.

Among the tapals received on a certain day in Dec. 1969, one was that of a Bombay publisher of International reputation. It commissioned me to writing children's books and submit a few chapters as specimens in a couple of weeks. It startled me; for, that renowned publisher was a total stranger to me, nor did I expect such a lucrative offer in such a short period couple of years of my starting the writing career in English, though I had by then, to my credit some half a dozen books and hundreds of write-ups in Telugu - my Mother tongue. Elated, I began a monograph in right earnest, choosing Asoka, my beloved monarch, stealing a few hours from my hard routine work. I did complete 4 short chapters and sent him post-haste. The response: Nil. Chilled anxiety raked up the whole affair after three months of long expectation of reply, with baited breath. Alas! the reply was: "The project is since dropped". Later, Captn. Murugiayan, M.Sc., the reputed humanist Principal, GTN Arts College, Dindigul had the occasion to peruse the manuscript by accident. Swept off by the novelty of approach, nicety of presentation and oddity of certain episodes, he tried his best to get it prescribed as one of the Expensive Readers for Pre University/Degree students.

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