Priyadarsin |
Of India |
course, at my instance on listening to his lavish unbaised
adulation, but it courted a failure. Pitying, he advised me to send
it to some foreign publishers, I did. Ditto joined the attempt. But
the rapturous eulogy of a senior Professor, who said, "Your
Asoka is of so absorbing interest that I completed yestermight in a
single sitting, never did I do in the past. Please print it"
elated me infinitely but the deficiency of Vitamin 'M' curtailed my
effort. So I confined him in a murky cardboard carton. Inspite of
it, I continued my treasure-hunt by fits and starts that spread
nearly over two decades and a quarter. Whenever I chanced to throw a
glance at it, during the salvaging operations of the written word, I
used to hear poor, pale Asoka sighing. Mine too was joining - a
sympathetic action, perhaps though I could publish more than a dozen
books since then, with the assistance extended by the divine mercy
Tirupathi Tirumala Devasthanam's Financial Aid.
long last the day dawned - the sagacious advice tendered by a chum
that it can beside like colossus, if displayed at the International
Book Festival, set it
in motion. From unexpected source, adequate Finance too sought the
venture. Hence its appearance and beckoning you a glance likely. And
a touch of patronage too. Your investment will certainly yield good
returns as it exhilarates you beside illuminating. Sure and quick.
I' am certain you feel electrified as you progress with it. Give it
a chance and know the truth.
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