The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Another adoration-worthy god is Vinayaka installed in a great shrine near the Koti Thirtha. This image is installed in memory of the memorable part he played at the instance of Brahma for keeping the Atmalinga confined to Hindu India than reaching the danava lankarajya. His image is so sculptured that it bears the marks of the blow of Ravana's club and his reduced stature owing the heavy weight of the blow. His short-legged shape flashes on the mental screen the whole episode. Visitors offer soulful prayers for this short - statured and high-souled Vinayaka again and again before leaving the spot. With these and many other adorable deities, this pilgrimage centre is attracting perennially. A visit brings benefits material and spiritual as well. Avail them for all-round development. Postpone it not for enjoyment of bliss.


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About  Lord Mahabaleswar Of Gokarnam
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Uniqueness Pg1
Uniqueness Pg2
Antiquity Pg1
Antiquity Pg2
Antiquity Pg3
Antiquity Pg4
Antiquity Pg5
Antiquity Pg6
The Temple Complex
Famous Thirthas
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