Ravana flew into anger and gave a blow
on the head of Vinayaka with his heavy club. Though it caused pain and left a
mark on his head, the devakarya was accomplished and ensured jagatkalyana. He
was delighted, and the employee and employer danced in ecstatic joy as it were,
when Ravana was lost in his attempt to raise it from the ground. He used his
Herculean strength but could not move it; assumed the stature of Colossus and
shook it, but failed and employed his asura tactics, but it did not stir. As he
struggled like Samson, with strength and perseverance, it slowly stretched
itself upwards developing in breadth and ending with a pointed code. The
lingakara changed itself Gokarnakara - narrow at the hale broad in the middle
and cone like at the tip. All his efforts when ended, he despaired and prayed to
the Lord.
Maheswar and other gods descending consoled him collectively. Brahma then said
that the Atmalingam can be installed here itself and Ravana's mother can offer
prayers after due consecretion.