temple at Gokarnam is the resultant outcome of one such strategums played by no
other than Lord Brahma to do good to mankind and avert disaster from the
diabolical acts of Dasakantha, the Danaveswara of Lankadesa. Moreover, it was
craftily released at the right time through the right agency to right the wrong.
Its place of action turned out later into a famous Saiva thirtha kshetra,
enshrining one of the dwadasa jyothirlingas of our Punya Bharat. As the sports
of Lord Siva and his munificent showering of boons emancipated countless
theists, it is considered as the Bhukailas and has been drawing a steady flow of
devotees since the Tretayuga. It has certain uniques that heightened it to the
pinnacle of glory. Foremost among them is, the Sivalinga installed here was
brought to this holy spot by Ravana Brahma after pleasing the Kailasadhipathi
with penance and perseverance that none but he alone could display, for it is 'nabhuto
nabhavishyati' in spirit and truth.