GOD, the All -Time - Highest is Omnipotent, and abides, permeates in every created
object-say from amoeba to elephant from among the living, and neutron to the
Himalayas from the inanimate world. His omnipotence pervading the whole cosmos
gives the objects, their shape, size, smell, colour, life etc. Without His
presence, nothing exists, nor bears a name. These two chief attributes of God -
Omnipotence and Omnipresence are dealt with in all the scriptures, and on
umpteen occasions, He himself proclaimed it for mankind to realize and develop
due regard for objects and veneration for the Creator. As His Omnipotence
permeating the object is internalized - invisible, man hardly recognizes and
extends due veneration, but if once it is externalized, he instantly prostrates
to that mightiest force and remains devoted to it, when that Omnibenvolent God
rains benedictios on him during his sojourn in the world, and liberates him from
the cycle of births and deaths.