No incarnation brings out the indwelling presence of the omnipotent God as that
of Narashimhavatara, which emerging from an inanimate pillar proved to the world
His presence in all, and moreover exemplified the truth of the attribute -
bhakta paradheena - slave to the devotees by punishing the wicked and saving the
devout worshipper. This Narashimhavatara, of all the ten incarnations proved the
existence of god and showed his presence in all effectively than the scientist
who by lab method establishes the universal truths.
externalized presence of the indwelling divinity has taken many forms and almost
all of them are adored fittingly through the representative images with various
names in different poses, like sayana - recumbent, aasana - sitting, sthanaka -
standing etc. Mostly the images are made of lithic, or metallic, but a few are
of crystal and wood too. They are installed on high broad ornamental pedestals.
Normally these pedestals are centrally placed in the innermost parts of shrines,
and are held in high esteem.