The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Yet there is another place in the same Karnataka state, where a pipal tree is adored as Lord's image, which embodied several Saligrams and from which Lord Narasimha appeared. It is a swayamvyakta image and it has a long story. Skanda purna embodies a detailed account of this thirtha kshetra, situated on the banks of river Krishna in the Devadurga taluk of Raichur District. It has many other interesting plus points that won a covetable place in history too. It is here the Lord was found in a big hollow of a pipal tree, considered as garbha griha; it is this presiding deity appearing in a dream to the Muslim ruler, Adilshah got a temple built for himself; it is about this kshetra Narada grew eloquent in his narration about river Krishna; it is to this sacred place Brahma and Eswara along with gods descended to worship the Lord in the form of water, during the Karkataka sankramana every year; it is here the renowned sage Karpara did penance and obtained daiva sakshatkara; it is this holy pilgrimage centre that is visited by all castes and religions; and it is to this holy place Lord Balaji directed a certain devotee to visit it first and adore him next. Renowned for such special features, this thirtha kshetra has occupied a special niche in the history of temples of our punya Bharat.


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About  Lord Narasimha Of Karpara Kshetra
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Introduction Pg3
Introduction Pg4
You are Here! Introduction Pg5
The Pipal Tree....Pg1
The Pipal Tree....Pg2
Adil Shah's Episode Pg1
Adil Shah's Episode Pg2
Adil Shah's Episode Pg3
Adil Shah's Episode Pg4
Adil Shah's Episode Pg5