happened-Madhava Varma belongs to the line of illustrious kings, who
lived and worked for Prajakshema, rising above self and 'I' sense.
He developed his image so devoutly by acts of dharma that it could
be put into the frame of any one of the shatchakravarthis. Dharma
moved on the FOURS and people enjoyed bliss and the land prospered
to the gratification of gods. In fine the Rama Rajya was reenacted
in all its splendour. There was none to complain or grumble, nor did
the king give any occasion for dissatisfaction to any section of
people at anytime. For him, people were the images of God and their
happiness was all that he cared for. As he held the scales even,
people were meeting. him at all hours to get redressal of their
grievances. He transcended Sura-Para distinctions-only facts rather
than persons decided the cases. Gratified, Dharma Devata stood
stationed in his kingdom. Gods were pleased. Here is an instance
standing in proof of his righteous rule---