The Temples Of North-East India
Major Sections
Temples Of India

The Waxing and Waning Sivalinga of Amarnath

With inimitable religious fervour, they help the pilgrims in several ways. In fact, they deem to have been totally oblivious of their religion, for they implement the highly laudable adage-"Service to man is devotion to God". But for them, the darsan of Maheswar would have been an imagination than a reality. Almost all king received their selfless service and rewarded them fittingly. From her, the Sangh reaches Pahalgam anti is joined by several other tourists and pilgrims, who reach it by buses or other automobiles. For going further up, some engage Dandis, Kandis or Ponies. The distance of 46 km. from here is covered in 4 days with comparative case and grace, since the government looks after scrupulously in providing essential amenities enroot. For the night stay it helps in pitching up sheds, sarais, rest houses, tents, besides keeping depots for the supply of rations and fuel. It arranges for ponies and laborers etc., during the annual pilgrimage every year, if prior intimation is made. During non season period, pilgrims have to make their own arrangements.

From here, to Amarnath cave there are 4 main slops. The first is at Chandanvadi, the second at Wavjan, the next at Panchatarniand and the final one at Amarnath cave - the sacred Sannidhi of Maheswar.

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About Amarnath
Origin of the Kashmir..Pg1
Origin of the Kashmir..Pg2
The Holy Trek..Pg1
The Holy Trek..Pg2
You are Here! The Holy Trek..Pg3
The Holy Trek..Pg4
The Holy Trek..Pg5
The Cave And...Pg1
The Cave And...Pg2
The Cave And...Pg3
The Origin...Pg1
The Origin...Pg2