story begins in the past with Gonanda I on the throne of Kashmir, a
contemporary of Jarasandlia, the close, associate of Kamsa of
Mathura. As we move with the chronicle, we learn that Damodara, sun
of Gunanda was killed by Yadavas. His wife Yasomoti, the then
pregnant queen was preferred by Krishna, Yadhukulabhusan to rule
till her progency came to. age, since the land of. the kashmir is
Varvathi incarnate, and the ruler of that country is the amsa or
particle of Siva, and so Krishna was against annexing it. Many
historical personages succeeded and monumental constructions were
left behind as relics. Among them the Seshanaga lake occupies a
pre-eminent place. The famous Seshanaga lying between Chandanvadi
and Wavjan was constructed by Susravasa Naga and the glory of this
Naga is elaborately described in the Raja Tarangani of Kalhana. This
ruler of eminence had two beautiful daughters named Iravathi and
Chandralekha. Due to evil machinations of a bogus Sadhu, he
encountered many problems. Knowing the helplessness of the noble
king, a brahmin by name Visakha came to his rescue and relieved him
of his anxieties with his atmic powers. Susravasa gave his handsome
daughter Chandralekha to Visakha in marriage out of gratitude.