The Raja-Tarangani embodies countless instances of Kings, patronage
and adherence to Saivism. The Kashmir Saivism has a distinct flavor,
and it differs from the Savviest propounded by celebrated pravaktas
like Sankaracharya, and it has a special name - Trika Mata. It is classified into three
parts - Agama Sastra, Spanda Sasta, and Pratyabhijna. They are of
superior origin and teach dualistic doctrine, and as such they are
opposed to idealistic monism explained in Siva Sutras said to have
been revealed by Siva Himself. Distinguished prophets and theists
became votaries of this sect and eminent writers and commentators,
like Vasugupla, Somananda, etc., wrote monumental works exemplifying
their findings. They emphasized the basic principle that the Highest
Light is eternal and imperishable and it is of the nature-
of the Pranava Mantra - AUM throbbing in the heart of
everyone". All these treatises eulogies lord Maheswar's
Ominicompassion, who in his waxing-waning form
is giving darsan in the cave, besides appearing in -the form of
pigeons to the devotees cm their visit to this holy thirtha