Andhra Pradesh
Major Sections
Temples Of India


The origin of the much sought after and highly  worshipful icon of Ujjaini Mahakali, now receiving ardent worship here is as fantastic as its unprecedented popularity and ineffable divinity. The infinite powers of Mother Mahakali of Ujjain in driving out the most dreadful and contagious diseases such as Cholera etc., is widely known and the moment any epidemic breaks out, peoples' eyes turn to the Mother and legs involuntarily proceed towards her sannidhi. Every one, who visited her sannidhi never returned with despair, nor any dreadful disease maintained its hold after praying to her by any or at anytime. Her very name strikes terror into the mind of epidemic Mahammari and she takes to flight swifter than manovega. This was not only heared but seen by one military man named Surti Appaiah, a resident of Secunderabad in the early twenties of last century, when he found thousands dead in a matter of days. But when she was invoked later, the disease staged retreat and people breathed peacefully.

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